CAR QUALITY REPAIR SERVICE DUBAI | Www.rightwaygarage.com |
Dedicated team of relationship managers to take care of car repair service, Right way garage offer unparalleled garage customer service. Helping your company on its way to the most economical solution to running and maintaining your fleet of company vehicles, we have special price packages and services.

The global impact of the pandemic on corporate and government fleets has varied from country to country, depending on how aggressively countries have reacted to the pandemic. One thing is constant, driving hours are down across the globe, and there are a variety of external and internal factors that we need to pay close attention to.
Some of the key external factors impacting the total cost of ownership (TCO) of fleets include lower interest rates, lower fuel costs and fewer vehicle accidents. The vehicle resale market has been also impacted, and supply chains have been disrupted.
Internally, the impacts on fleet vehicle utilization are varied across fleets with non-essential services seeing the biggest decline in miles driven. The cost of doing business has generally increased for all fleets whether it's due to supply chain disruptions or additional driver safety protocols.
The bottom line is that organizations need to consider all these factors and how they impact their specific operations when developing their fleet management strategy. Importantly, teams should be focused on continuous improvement and building nimble and agile approaches to business processes for the year ahead and beyond.
Resources to help you re-think your fleet and shape up in 2021
There are many benefits to thinking more strategically about fleet management.
Right Way Garage Can Optimize Company Car fleet optimization and give huge savings
The biggest trends impacting the fleet management industry in 2021 and how they affect your organization
Ways to proactively address hidden costs associated with your fleet
American & European Automotive Repair Act was passed in response to a litany of customer complaints about unscrupulous tactics being practiced by certain bad-apple auto repair shops and mechanics.
Our Corporate Car Services is according to usa & Europe act compliance. We Follow genuine Repair and maintenence for corporate fleet of vehicles. Our protocol in repair and service is genuine honest and quality service.
One prominent example of a shady practice that the Automotive Repair Act sought to combat was an auto repair shop taking a car in for a given repair, then doing extra repairs, without the customer’s authorization, and charging the customer. Another example would be an auto repair shop utilizing used or modified parts in a repair job and charging a customer for new parts.
What many unscrupulous auto repair practices have in common is that the customer is kept in the dark as much as possible. A lack of communication before and after the repair(s), as well as a lack of written documentation leads to an environment where unethical repair shops can take advantage of their customers.
The Automotive Repair Act and the Bureau of Automotive Repair in usa & Europe bring order to the automotive repair industry, and give you, the consumer, a set of automotive repair rights that ensure you aren’t taken advantage of.

EMAIL US - rightwaygarage@gmail.com
EMAIL US - rightwaygaragellc@gmail.com
EMAIL US - support@rightwaygarage.com
HEAD OFFICE LANDLINE +971 -04 2676517
Mr Altaf - Manager - +971-55-8938707
Mr Basheer - Garage Incharge - +971-55-5368866
Saturday till Thursday 8am - 8pm
Lunch Time 1Pm till 3pm
Warehouse # 12 12B St - Al Qusais Industrial AreaAl Qusais Industrial Area 1 - Dubai